Saturday, March 1, 2008

March Madness Moustache Mayhem

It is march first, which kicks off March Madness Moustache Mayhem. This is an ever growing event at BYU-Idaho that started three years ago with myself and my roommates and has spread to a large following on campus. It started because BYU-Idaho grooming standards do not allow the growing of facial hair except for moustaches. Most agree that moustaches on a 20-28 years old white male is not attractive. Such adjectives as "mollestache" and "mexistache" have been introduced into the English language because of the hideousness of some moustaches. This is of course why I started this event. I love to do things that other people feel are a little off the wall. In my efforts to grow a moustache every March, students have started growing them as well. Some teachers have even said they would join but usually failed to do so because of the refusal of their wives. My wife refuses and that doesn't stop me though.

I would encourage any readers to grow a moustache during March and spread the mayhem outside of BYU-Idaho. I will also post a picture at the end of the month to show everyone the progress of my sweet stache. I would encourage you to do it as well. By the way, this is a male event only...sorry ladies.

Happy growing season!


M said...

Me and G were cracking up over this post. I hope dad joins the club. I can't wait to see pics...

Jessica said...

dude i'm gonna do it

R said...

You know how I looked in my BYU reclining picture wearing my high school gym shorts? A moustache on me looks far worse. I won't expose others to that. I'll stick to plain March Madness.

Myndi said...

Is G going to join the club? L refuses...