I have to share this cute story about Camo. My calling right now is a nursery leader. I stepped out on Sunday to get water for snack time and the other nursery leader started singing "I am a Child of God. " She told me that as soon as they started singing, Camo looked over at her and his eyes lit up. I sing that to him every night before bed so he is very familiar with that song. I think that is so cute. Then the other day I was changing his diaper and I started to sing "I am a Child of God" to him. He started to cry because he thought he was going to bed. It is so cute that he is starting to understand things more. I love my mister Camo.
Here are some recent pictures. In the picture of him in the maroon shirt he has really rosy cheeks. I think he gets those red cheeks from his mom. Also stay tuned for an update on our recent visit to Crater Lake. It was absolutely amazing.
I caught Hip singing "I Am A Child of God" the other day. He is a little private about his singing and so I had to stay hidden to listen/watch him. It was amazing and I had no idea he knew it even though we too sing it often.
It's amazing what 9 months will do to a little person, evidenced by the fact that Camo is spilling from his infant car seat! Do you remember wondering how it was possible to put something so little into that 5-point harness? Now you wonder if the straps are big enough to stretch around those chubby shoulders and chest.
We love you Camo and can't wait to see you soon.
He's wearing the outfit we gave him! yay! Thats so cute about him recognizing "I Am A Child Of God". Nine months- holy moly! They grow so fast!
He's so cute! I can't believe how fast he is growing up. We love you guys! Thanks for the call the other night. It was great to talk to you.
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